DSST Exams
If you have knowledge in a subject outside of a traditional classroom, you can earn college credit through DSST exams or DANTES Subject Standardized Tests.
Over 1,200 schools accept DSST exams for college credit, making it an excellent way to save time and money on your college education.
DSST exams are comparable to final undergraduate college course exams, and passing these exams enables students to gain college credit that can be applied to meet their degree requirements.
Each exam is worth three college credits and is typically applied toward lower division requirements.
DSST Exam List and Categories

DSST Categories
With 38 exams that fall under six subject categories, including Physical Science, Technology, Humanities, Business, Mathematics, and Social Science, there is a DSST exam for everyone.
Fundamentals of College Algebra
Principles of Statistics
Math for Liberal Arts
Physical Sciences
Social Sciences
The Details

DSST Prometric Exams
Prometricย administers Internet-based versions of DSST exams under contract with the Department of Defense (for military personnel) or on a fee basis (for civilians).
DSST exams offer a choice of formats, including internet or paper-based, and are available at authorized testing centers.
For a nominal fee, you can take your DSST exam at a physical Prometric test center or online remotely.
Some colleges and universities administer DSST tests at their test centers.
Currently, Prometric charges a $100.00 test fee to take the exam.
However, military members can take their first exam for free.
Test takers are given 2 hours to complete the 100-question exam.

Final Thoughts
DSST exams are an excellent way to earn college credit for knowledge acquired outside a traditional classroom.
You can succeed on your DSST exam and earn college credit with the proper preparation.
You're in the perfect spot if you're seeking resources to prepare for DSST exams.
We provide an extensive library of DSST materials to aid you in passing.
Consider taking our free DSST student orientation course or trying a complimentary DSST practice exam to determine if DSST exams are a good fit for you.
Please contact us if you need any assistance.
Good luck with your DSST exams!