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DTP Success Team

Academic Institutions: What's My School’s 4-digit Institutional Score Report Recipient Code?

Updated: Feb 17

How to Transfer Credits for DSST Exams

Colleges and Universities: Locate Your 4-Digit Institutional Score Report Recipient Code

We aim to provide you with the most comprehensive list of national institutions in the United States that accept DSST exams and have included their corresponding 4-digit Institutional Score Report Recipient codes.


Institutional Score Report Recipient Code

Laptop displaying a list of DSST Institutional Score Report Recipient Codes.

Your 4-digit Code

To locate your 4-digit Institutional Score Report Recipient code, download the below pdf. and search for your specific college or university.


Pro Tip: 

Search the document for your specific college or university by pressing:

  • Ctrl + F (Windows, Chrome OS)

  • ⌘ + F (Mac)

Enter the name of your school into the Find Box to locate the corresponding 4-digit Institutional Score Report Recipient code.



Occasionally, an institution may update its data without bringing changes to our attention.

We highly recommend contacting your school’s registrar’s office or academic counselor to confirm the correct 4-digit Institutional Score Report Recipient code.

How to Transfer Your DSST Exam Results

A student learning how to transfer her DSST exam results to her institution.

DSST Exam Results

To receive college credit for passing your DSST exam, a score report must be sent to your college or university.

You need to know your school’s 4-digit Institutional Score Report Recipient code to send your score report.

If you input the wrong 4-digit code, your score report will not be sent.

Every college or university is designated a 4-digit code that allows students to receive a free score report from Prometric.

When registering for a DSST exam, ensure your school's 4-digit Institutional Score Report Recipient code is correct.


You can take your exam directly through Prometric or at a college or university.

Let's explore both options.

Please continue reading below.

Pro Tip: To ensure your institution receives your exam results, view our article: How Can I Guarantee That My School Receives My DSST Exam Results (For Free)?

Registration: College or Universities

Prometric TC Net Registration Website

Prometric TC Net

If you take your exam at a college or university, you'll register through Prometric TC NET.

Upon registering for your exam, you'll have a field to enter your 4-digit code.

In order for your institution to receive your DSST exam results, you must enter the correct code. See below.

Prometric TC Net DSST Exam Score Report Recipient Code Instructions.


Registration: Prometric Website

Prometric College Student Instructions

Registration Via Prometric

Currently, if you register through Prometric, the registration process does not provide an option to input a 4-digit Institutional Score Report Recipient code.

Therefore, you must contact Prometric within two days after completing your exam and provide them with your code.

Inform the representative that you were never given an opportunity to enter your school’s 4-digit Institutional Score Report Recipient code.

Provide Prometric with your Score Report Recipient code, and they will forward your score results to your college or university.


Prometric's Contact Information:

For more details, click here. 

Contact Prometric within two days after completing your exam and provide them with your 4-digit code.

How to Locate a Prometric DSST Test Center

A image of a physical DSST Prometric test center.

DSST Test Centers

DSST Prometric test centers are conveniently located throughout the United States.

If you need information on locating a physical DSST test center and reserving your appointment online, click here.

Or, if you prefer to take your DSST exam remotely online, view our blog:

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

We'll be happy to assist you.


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